The Intersect
Copyright & Intellectual Property Podcast
016 - License Agreements: How to get a proper license agreement, horror stories, & learn terminology.

016 - License Agreements: How to get a proper license agreement, horror stories, & learn terminology.

In this episode, broken into simple explanation, you will: • Become familiar with terminology used in licensing agreements. • Learn to see pitfalls & what to look out for as you are moving through the business of licensing videos, movies, photographs, brand names, trademark, or patented product or any licensed item or service.• Hear why you should always read licensing agreements. • Learn how get a proper contract in the first place. • We discuss “boiler plate” language used in licensing deals. • Hear real life horrors stories that were a result of not knowing specific terms or from a sneaky insert. • Learn how to get what you want and know what you are signing up for.

Show Notes:

The Intersect
Copyright & Intellectual Property Podcast
I’m Jason Tucker and I have settled over a billion dollars in copyright claims for the world’s largest studios.
Over the last 15 years as the expert pirate hunter, Intellectual Property problem solver, and enforcer, I have helped shape copyright law, the processes, and the landscape that exists today.
So how do you keep your IP organized, protect it from pirates, and make even more money off of your content?
With real-life insight and stories from the trenches...this is the Copyright & Intellectual Property Podcast!